Blog Categories

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2.2.20 In Review

Posted June 17, 2024 by simon
Category: General

In an ongoing effort to improve transparency of the Dev Team, we'd like to take this opportunity to discuss a few of the issues that arose during and after the release of CMSMS 2.2.20.

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v2.2.17 - Iqaluit Release Announcement

Posted June 19, 2023 by digi3
Category: General, Releases, Announcements 

We are pleased to announce the release of CMS Made Simple v2.2.17 - Iqaluit, an incremental bug fix, security, and stability release.

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Rolf Tjassens

Posted May 31, 2022 by paulbaker
Category: General, Community

It is with great sadness that we announce long time Dev Team member and great friend to CMS Made Simple, Rolf Tjassens passed away unexpectedly on the 30th of May.

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v2.2.16 - Truro Release Announcement

Posted January 24, 2022 by scotch33
Category: General, Releases, Announcements 

Today we are delighted to announce the release of CMS Made Simple v2.2.16 - Truro.  Truro is an incremental bug fix and security release.

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State of the Project Update 2021

Posted March 1, 2021 by scotch33
Category: General, Announcements

Welcome to this, the first annual "State of the Project" update.  Whilst of course we'll continue to update you regularly throughout the year on the day-to-day plans and considerations of CMSMS, the annual state of the project will inform you of the underlying commitments that drive all our decisions for the next 12 months.  

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A statement about Corona Virus and the ongoing development of CMSMS from the Dev Team.

Posted March 19, 2020 by scotch33
Category: General, Announcements

Hello. As you all know the world is currently working out how to operate over the next few months as our scientists and governments make moves to mitigate the spread of Covid-19. At CMS Made Simple we understand that for many of our users this may involve some considerable disruption to both their businesses and their personal lives. As a response to that, we wanted to let you know how we will be changing our activities to help you.

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Announcing the departure of Robert Campbell

Posted March 11, 2020 by scotch33
Category: General, Announcements

Today, we’d like to announce that Dev Team member and for many years leading developer, Robert Campbell has decided that it is time to take a step back.  Thus, Robert has resigned his membership of the CMSMS Dev Team whilst remaining fully involved with the CMSMS Foundation and continuing to develop his excellent suite of third party modules. 

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A response from the Dev Team to some of the points that arose from the Big CMS Made Simple Survey

Posted October 10, 2019 by scotch33
Category: General

As you know, we recently had the Big CMS Made Simple Survey and we were delighted with the response.  It’s given us a great deal of food for thought.  If you’d like to know a little more about the basic results of the survey, then take a look here.

Another part of the survey asked, ‘what do you dislike about CMSMS’.  We were very pleased to see this was the least filled in question!  However, there were a small series of points that came up more than once, and because of that, it seemed like a good idea to get a little deeper into them here.

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Announcing CMS Made Simple v2.2.12 - Osoyoos

Posted September 24, 2019 by Tristan
Category: General

Today we are announcing the release of CMS Made Simple 2.2.12 - Osoyoos. This is a critical security release, addressing a vulnerability recently brought to our attention.

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And our survey says…

Posted September 19, 2019 by scotch33
Category: General

A couple of months ago we invited you to take part in the Big CMSMS Survey.  We had a good response from a great cross-section of the community.  It’s given us, as devs, a lot of food for thought on how we continue to build CMS Made Simple. 

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Announcing CMS Made Simple v2.2.11 - Vulcan

Posted September 2, 2019 by Tristan
Category: General, Releases

Today we are announcing the release of CMS Made Simple v2.2.11 - Vulcan. This is a maintenance release addressing a few minor issues that have arisen while we've been hard at work on the upcoming 2.3 major release.

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New Module Spotlight: LS Cache

Posted July 9, 2019 by scotch33
Category: General, Modules

Chris Taylor over at B Innovative Business Web Development has sent us details of his 3rd Party Module LS Cache this month.  Read more to find out what it is and where it can com in useful to you!  If you are a module developer with a new post-beta module or a post-beta version of a module and would like to be featured in our occasional module spotlights, then please mail to be considered.


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CMSMS Version 2.3 Progress Update

Posted March 29, 2019 by digi3
Category: General

The CMS Made Simple development version, 2.3, is well underway and we are very excited about it! We thought it would be a good time to share our excitement with you and discuss some of the routes your favourite CMS software is taking.

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Announcing CMS Made Simple v2.2.10 - Spuzzum

Posted March 6, 2019 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases, Announcements

Today we are announcing the release of CMS Made Simple v2.2.10 - Spuzzum. This is a security and stability release. We have fixed some relatively important security vulnerabilities, and fixed some long standing issues.

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Developer's Corner - Redirect all incoming URLs to the correct canonical URL - By Rolf

Posted February 27, 2019 by scotch33
Category: General, Tutorials

Longstanding Dev. Team Member Rolf runs the fantastic 'CMS Can Be Simple' website blog. On there, you'll find many many useful tips, trick and code snippets that will help you superpower your CMS Made Simple site.

The most recent blog (at the time of writing) provides a useful method to redirect any URLs that can reach a page to the correct canonical URL. As multiple URLs opening the same page can have a bad influence on the SEO status of a site, this is a handy article. Don't take our word for it though, take a look on Rolf's website and while you're there, browse some of the other great articles.

Developer's Corner - Smarty Pre- and Post-filters - By Matt Hornsby

Posted February 14, 2019 by scotch33
Category: General, Geek, Tutorials

While upgrading some old 1.x websites recently I encountered a couple of problems that needed a quick and simple solution. Like most things related to CMS Made Simple, there are many ways to tackle a problem, but I thought this would be a fun opportunity to look into Smarty pre- and post-filters.

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The CMS Made Simple News Update February 2019

Posted February 7, 2019 by scotch33
Category: General, Announcements

It's February already!  Yet as soon as Xmas and the New Year celebrations were over, the Dev team hit the ground running.  We wanted to let the community what's going on in the CMSMS universe.

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Maintenance Release: CMS Made Simple v2.2.9.1

Posted February 4, 2019 by digi3
Category: General, Releases

In order to fix a few significant, though easy to remedy issues in CMSMS we have decided to release an interim version.

This version fixes these issues:

  1. The phar installer has been upgraded to handle the edge case where the PHP memory limit was set to -1 (no preset limit).
  2. A minor fix was added to MicroTiny when displaying error messages.
  3. An edge case in the \CMSMS\Database\Connection::DBTimeStamp() method was fixed which affected the creation of timestamps with malformed input. This mostly affected CGCalendar.
  4. A fix to the CmsLayoutStylesheetQuery class that affected when the name argument was subject to the {cms_stylesheet} tag.
  5. We encourage you to upgrade your sites at your earliest convenience.

Announcing CMS Made Simple v2.2.9 - Blow Me Down

Posted January 19, 2019 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases

We thought that it was time we kicked an update to CMSMS out the door. Version 2.2.9 - "Blow Me Down" is a maintenance release, with numerous incremental fixes and updates throughout the system.

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Announcing CMSMS 2.2.8 - Flin Flon

Posted July 28, 2018 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases

Today, we are happy to announce that we have released an incremental improvement to your favorite content management system: Version 2.2.8 - Flin Flon. The primary change in this version is to support PHP 7.2 by cleaning up the code to remove most of the warnings and notices due to the changes in PHP.

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New Video from the CMSMS Dev Team

Posted April 3, 2018 by digi3
Category: General

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Announcing CMSMS 2.2.7 - Skookumchuck

Posted March 10, 2018 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases

Today we announce the release of CMS Made Simple v2.2.7 - Skookumchuck. This is a security release and we recommend that everybody upgrade their websites at their earliest convenience.

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Announcing CMSMS 2.2.6 - Come By Chance

Posted February 17, 2018 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases

Today we are announcing the release of CMS Made Simple 2.2.6, "Come By Chance". Primarily a security release.

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Announcing CMSMS v2.2.5 - Wawa

Posted December 17, 2017 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases

Today we are announcing the release of CMS Made Simple 2.2.5 - Wawa.

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Announcing CMSMS 2.2.4 - Little Paradise

Posted November 25, 2017 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases

Today, the CMSMS Dev Team is happy to announce the release of CMSMS 2.2.4 "Little Paradise". This is a stability and bug-fix release.

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