Open Source Content Management System

Why choose CMS Made Simple™?

User FriendlyUser Friendly
Highly ExpandableHighly Expandable
Design FreedomDesign Freedom
Powerful AddonsPowerful Addons
Open SourceOpen Source

CMS Made Simple offers an easy to use interface for end users, while maintaining a powerful backend for developers.With an extensive API combined with the Smarty templating engine, custom modules and tags are a breeze.If you can make it with HTML and CSS, it can be a CMS Made Simple design. No need to purchase templates or add PHP code.With a large range of third party modules and tags, you can easily turn your sites into feature-rich applications.We encourage open collaboration. Join the Dev Team and contribute, or fork the project to bend it to your will!

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Who is CMS Made Simple™ for?

For Editors

Maintain and update your site quickly and easily from anywhere with a web connection.

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For Designers

Freedom to design the site you want. Straightforward templating that makes turning your designs into pages a breeze.

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For Developers

A modular and extensible Content Management System that, with the Smarty templating engine, is easy to customize to create the sites and applications you want.

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Our Partners:
Themeisle EasyThemes


2.2.20 In Review

Posted June 17, 2024 by simon
Category: General

In an ongoing effort to improve transparency of the Dev Team, we'd like to take this opportunity to discuss a few of the issues that arose during and after the release of CMSMS 2.2.20.

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CMS Made Simple 2.2.21 - Sherbrooke

Posted June 6, 2024 by digi3
Category: Releases

Hello CMSMSers!

Today we are announcing the release of CMS Made Simple 2.2.21 - Sherbrooke, an incremental bug fix release.

This version addresses a few bugs that came up after the last release:

  • template inheritance was broken for content blocks;
  • the page editor didn't show the text area field for content blocks on some configurations when template inheritance was used;
  • the page editor timed out on some cases (Smarty infinite loop);
  • there was a typo on the page error class that made it impossible to use it;

These bugs were important enough to warrant a new release as soon as it we could diagnose, fix, and test them.

Please see the changelog for a full list of fixes.

As per the Dev Team's official support policy, the only versions of CMSMS currently supported are now v2.2.20 and v2.2.21. Please upgrade at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your time, and have fun using CMSMS!