Why choose CMS Made Simple™

The fastest most efficient way to create stunning and sophisticated websites.

Adding your content is just a few clicks away

The Content Manager makes content management simple. That's sort of our thing! Reorder your pages via drag and drop, and edit their content with a click. All with no knowledge of HTML. Let the designers worry about the look, while the editors focus on content. Editing content is done with a simple editor with all the tools you'll recognize from word processors.

Adding your content is just a few clicks away

Any design you can imagine

Join the growing number of design professionals who have discovered the foolproof elegance of CMS Made Simple.

A question we often get asked is "where are the templates?" Although there are themes available, CMSMS was designed to eliminate the need to restrict yourself to premade or purchased templates. With some HTML and CSS knowledge, a developer can use Design Manager to put together a completely custom design in short order. With the inclusion of a responsive framework, it's even faster. Still want to use an existing design? No problem, CMSMS makes it easy to add your existing code, insert a few Smarty tags in key places, and you're off to the races.

Any design you can imagine

Edit your Layout on the fly.

Using file or database templates, and a bit of Smarty knowledge, developers have full control over layouts. Responsive sites, especially with frameworks, are simple (there it is again) to test and maintain.

Edit your Layout on the fly.

Extending your website has never been more simple.

With a wide range of core and third-party modules, a fully documented API, the ability to include PHP code via User Defined Tags, and full Smarty template inheritance, there's no limit to the complexity you can include in your website. CMSMS is fully extensible, and is a perfect base for your applications.

Extending your website has never been more simple.

Our Partners:
Themeisle EasyThemes