Join the Dev Team

Dev Team

You can get involved by joining the Development Team.  We are always delighted to welcome those volunteers with the right combination of appropriate skills, enthusiasm, commitment and staying power. For those who get involved in the Dev Team, it is an extremely rewarding experience; not only helping to steer the direction of CMS Made Simple, but also raising their own profile within the CMSMS community.

CMSMS is built and maintained by a core of dedicated developers.  We do this entirely voluntarily because we believe in the project.  Many of us are using CMSMS in our own businesses, on our own websites and for clients.  Being in the Dev Team can be tough, having to juggle other commitments such as work and family, while still actively participating on a team with responsibilities and deadlines.

For an individual with the right attitude, the commitment and effort put in is very much rewarded.  Many of the Dev Team see their own business grow due to the amount of commercial CMSMS development work they have gained since joining. If the idea of working with an international team of people passionate about CMSMS, eager to help you grow your skills, and always available for a geeky chat, please join us on Slack and introduce yourself.

Want to know more?  Click here to book an informal Zoom chat with John, a member of our dev team.

Roles and Responsibilities

Although we call it the Dev Team, development is only part of the picture. At least half of the current team are not directly involved with contributing code, but have roles in marketing, documentation, administration, testing, etc.

All input is appreciated, and while we do certainly need experienced programmers, we're also happy to have you join in other roles. Some of our team have moved into more development roles after years of exposure to the project while in other teams/departments.


As well as contributing to your favourite CMS, there are some more tangible benefits to being a part of the team:

  • Access to the Hire a Dev program
    Active Dev Team members are invited to respond to Hire a Dev requests, which provide a steady source of income for a lot of the team.
  • Discounted or free tools
    As a non-profit, we have access to various free and steeply discounted tools which Dev Team members can use for their own projects as well. This includes Adobe and Microsoft products, Browserstack, and more.
  • Team Support
    We're a tight-knit group and are in contact on a daily basis. We help each other with our web projects, subcontract work to each other, and are always available for a chat.

Want to know more?  Click here to book an informal Zoom chat with John, a member of our dev team.

Our Partners:
Themeisle EasyThemes