v2.2.16 - Truro Release Announcement

v2.2.16 - Truro Release Announcement


Today we are delighted to announce the release of CMS Made Simple v2.2.16 - Truro.  Truro is an incremental bug fix and security release.

Category: Announcements, Releases, General
Posted: January 24, 2022 by scotch33


This version fixes minor bugs that have been lingering over the past few years. Additionally, it implements a number of usability and performance improvements.

The scope of the Admin Search module has been widened to encompass more content object attributes, as well as UDTs.  Additionally, it now restricts search filters to show only the options any given admin user has permission to access. To that end, Search Module backend access is now conditioned to users with the 'Manage Search' permission.

Finally, we have done extensive work to make the CMS Made Simple Core compatible with PHP8. Users should still test all functionality, especially that of third-party modules, in a development environment before switching PHP versions on a live site.

For further detailed information, please see the changelog where there is a full list of fixes and improvements.

As per the Dev Team's official support policy, the only versions of CMSMS currently supported are now v2.2.15 and v2.2.16.   Please upgrade at your earliest convenience.  

Thank you for your continued support and use of CMS Made Simple!

Your Dev Team. 


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