And our survey says…

And our survey says…

A couple of months ago we invited you to take part in the Big CMSMS Survey.  We had a good response from a great cross-section of the community.  It’s given us, as devs, a lot of food for thought on how we continue to build CMS Made Simple. 

Category: General
Posted: September 19, 2019 by scotch33

We’re delighted that so many of you love the way that the development is heading, and your responses have really helped us with our direction.  We can also see that we need to help new developers understand more about CMS Made Simple from day one, so they can decide whether the platform is the right one for them. 

One thing that the survey showed us was the loyalty of our community.  For those website and web app developers that find CMSMS is the right foundation with which to create their clients’ solutions they really stick with us.  In fact, even in cases where clients asked for other more well know CMS systems, most of the responders still ran their own sites on CMSMS because it simply does more and works better.

In the next few blog posts I’ll be addressing some of the individual discoveries and queries that the survey has given us, but in this first related article, I thought I’d simply give you some of the statistical results.

We asked..  Who are you?

You answered…

  • 59% of you were website owners.
  • 89% of you were website/web app developers.
  • 3% of you answered from a marketing agency.
  • 1% of answers came from hosting providers.

In the above question, you were able to tick more than one box.  So, for example,  many answers were from website owners who were also website developers.

We asked…What do you use CMSMS For?

You answered…

  • 59% of you run one of your own websites in cmsms.
  • 85% develop websites or web apps for clients.
  • 31% of you maintain content on client websites.

Again – in this answer, you were able to tick more than one box. 

We asked… How many sites do you use cmsms on?

You answered…

  • A single site:  15%
  • Two to five sites:  24%
  • Five to ten sites:  27%
  • Ten to thirty sites: 20%
  • More than 30 sites: 25%

Based on a little estimation on averages, and the number of respondents, that means that between those of you that responded you are running almost 3000 websites and web apps on CMS Made simple right now!

We asked… What types of site/system do you create?

You answered…

  • 73% of you use CMSMS for brochure websites where clients maintain their day -to- day content
  • 38% of you create community sites that may have a members’ area element
  • 29% of you create eCommerce solutions, which include all types of eCommerce, not just standard web shops
  • 39% of you create web apps by mixing and matching the many great modules that you can use
  • 28% of you create web apps where you create your own custom modules.

Again – in this answer, you were able to tick more than one box. 

We asked.. What are your favourite modules?

There were lots of modules that are loved and regularly used by the respondents with quite an even spread across the site types above.   Of particular popularity was LISE, the module to create other simple list modules, many of the ‘behind the scenes’ modules such as CG Extensions and CGSimpleSmarty, Gallery, and the form building modules. 

It certainly seemed that it is rare anyone creates a website *(even the most simple ones) with just the core!

We asked… What do you particularly like about CMSMS?

You answered…

  • 73% of you liked the ease in updating content.
  • 66% of you liked the flexibility of templates.
  • 35% of you liked the CMSMS community.
  • 34% of you liked the support for modules.
  • 33% of you liked the way that modules so easily slot together.
  • 22% of you liked the speed and security of the system.

Again – in this answer, you were able to tick more than one box. 

Finally, we asked… Where do you get support for cmsms?

  • 70% of you use the CMSMS forum.
  • 20% of you use other websites/forums.
  • 17% of you use Stack Overflow.
  • 8% of you use ‘hire a dev’.
  • 7% of you use slack.

And there you have it.  We really enjoyed getting more of a feel for what people are doing.  In the next blog, I’ll look in a little more detail at the comments and responses that arose around templates. 

Until then, I hope that you have found this interesting.

Wait for a second!  Isn't there a prize draw for a Kindle Fire?

There is!  We are drawing the winner tomorrow.  As soon as they have been successfully contacted and accepted their Prize we will announce who they are.  Watch this space. 


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