New Module Spotlight: LS Cache

New Module Spotlight: LS Cache

Chris Taylor over at B Innovative Business Web Development has sent us details of his 3rd Party Module LS Cache this month.  Read more to find out what it is and where it can com in useful to you!  If you are a module developer with a new post-beta module or a post-beta version of a module and would like to be featured in our occasional module spotlights, then please mail to be considered.


Category: General, Modules
Posted: July 9, 2019 by scotch33

The LSCache module can activate and manage the LSCache functions of a LiteSpeed Web Server. It will only work if your site is running on a LiteSpeed Web Server using either OpenLiteSpeed or LiteSpeed Enterprise. The module was inspired by trying to chase down a nice high Google PageSpeed score.

The LiteSpeed Web Server LSCache function does a great job of caching the finished HTML pages – but you need to be able to turn it off & refresh the cache when pages are updated in CMS Made Simple.

With the LSCache module activated, caching is paused whenever a user logs into the CMS Admin Console. Caching is paused for 30 minutes after login and after any Content Manager page is saved. Caching is reactivated when a user logs out of the CMS or 30 minutes after login/page save (in case the user doesn't log out).

Currently, all pages are cached. If some site pages include dynamic elements such as a shopping cart or basket the LSCache module should not be activated. Future versions will include Edge Side Includes (ESI) so that dynamic or user-specific content will not be cached.

So … did the Google PageSpeed improve – Yes, definitely. Without caching a target site was generally loading in 1 second, with LSCache enabled, this dropped to around .45 second. The key improvement was with the TTFB (Time to First Byte) dropping from 360ms to 32ms. Check it out:

Live page:
Google PageSpeed:

Please remember that third party modules are installed and used entirely at your own risk.  The CMS Made Simple Dev team does not endorse any third party module over another.  In many cases there may be more than one way to solve a problem using modules and you should research and implement the ones that are right for you.  

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