Nominate us in the 2012 CMS Critics Choice Awards

Nominate us in the 2012 CMS Critics Choice Awards

The very first CMS Critic's Choice Awards is open for nominations. We are hoping to get the recognition we think CMSMS deserves and hope you will help us by nominating your favourite CMS!

Category: Announcements, Community, Events, General
Posted: September 14, 2012 by scotch33

The nominations stage for the Critic’s Choice CMS Awards is open and we need your help! Please click on the link below to go to the nomination page and nominate us.Â

This is CMS Critic's first year offering these awards and we’re excited to see where they take go and how we do. There are many categories for this years’ awards. We are hoping to do well in the 'Best Open Source CMS' category.    Nominations started on September 10, 2012 and will go on until October 15, 2012:

Winners will be announced in two ways. The Critic’s Choice CMS Award which will be chosen by CMS Critic based on the nominees selected and People’s Choice CMS Award which will be based on voting so be sure to participate!

You can nominate us right now at the CMS Critic website. All who vote and cast nominations will be entered to win a Google Nexus 7 tablet!

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