Announcing CMSMS 1.9.4 - Faanui

Announcing CMSMS 1.9.4 - Faanui

Your CMSMS Dev team is once again proud to announce the release of yet another version of CMSMS. This is primarily a bug fix release. We've tackled some of the important issues that remained from CMSMS 1.9.3 including supporting newer versions of MySQL, and miscelaneous caching issues. We've also implemented a few minor performance improvements that should result in a minor performance boost for most websites.

Category: Releases, General
Posted: March 5, 2011 by calguy1000

Your CMSMS Dev team is once again proud to announce the release of yet another version of CMSMS. This is primarily a bug fix release. We've tackled some of the important issues that remained from CMSMS 1.9.3 including supporting newer versions of MySQL, and miscelaneous caching issues. We've also implemented a few minor performance improvements that should result in a minor performance boost for most websites. Again, we hope that this will be the last release in the 1.9 series as we are already formulating plans for the next feature release of CMSMS to hopefully be released this summer. The dev team has spent many hours setting up, testing, fixing, and testing fixes on this release. The Q/A team specifically has spent alot of time going through everything with different browsers, on different operating systems, on different databases with different user account setups. This is work they usually don't have to do, so everybody should give them special appreciation. As well, with this update we made extra effort to prod our translators to ensure that everything is up to date. Hopefully this helps with some of the nagging 'documentation not accurate' problems for the various languages. Note: Those people that are still running a version of CMSMS 1.9.3 or earlier that was installed using MySQL 5.5.x will probably have to re-install. This is probably only related to windows hosts, and most of you have probably already downgraded MySQL. But we just thought we'd put it out there. Special Thanks to:
  • Rolf
  • RonnyK
  • ReneH
  • DrCss
  • and the rest of the CMSMS Dev Team.
Version 1.9.4 - Faanui -------------------------- Core Bug Reports - #6083 Imagemanager Don't show uploaded files - #6094 Page alias update old-value after copy-page - #6096 Content is not showing when changing type back to content - #6098 Server Response Header `Last-Modified` not changing - #6099 Deleting alias in editcontent and submitting restores old alias - #6106 no cache-control in login.php -> no logout! - #6136 TinyMCE file-manager cache problem - #6168 canonical tag for news ignoring news_url field - Fixes problem with image manager and caching in google chrome and other webkit browsers. - Fixes problem with caching on ANY and all admin pages - Fixes problem with with installs using MySQL 5.5.x (the solution was implemented in the adodb_lite library so all modules should work). - Fixes problems with switching content types when editing pages and content blocks not being restored. - Minor optimization to adodb_lite for the GetOne and GetRow methods - Fixes a problem where the contentcache was not being read. MenuManager: - #6188 using show_all with childrenof does not work Modulemanager: - Fixes a useability issue with the selected tab and the selected letter after upgrading a module. * (C) 2011 CMS Made Simple - No reproduction, duplication, modification or translation without explicit consent.

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