Announcing Geek Moot 2010

Announcing Geek Moot 2010

Posted: June 21, 2010 by Ted Kulp

It's that time again. The developers of CMS Made Simple have finalized plans for our yearly user conference. This year, we're thinking much bigger, so join us. On 16-17 September, CMS Made Simple will host the second public Geek Moot event at Casa 400 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. There will be plenty of presentations by the devs and other members of the community, events, networking and just general geeking out. There are plans for evening events in the works and they will be announced soon. Come spend time with the CMSMS devs and other people just like you for a few days of fun with the system you love. For more details on the event, see Presentations We are looking for people to do talks and presentations on CMSMS related and web development topics. If you'd like to do a presentation (and promote yourself as a CMSMS know-it-all or your company), please contact us here. Proposals are due by 15th August. Workshops We are also looking for people who want to host a workshop on the 15th of September. Workshops will be an extra fee and even after covering the cost of the room, should easily pay for the trip for a half of day's worth of work. We'd like to get this setup as quickly as possible, so if you would like to host a workshop, please contact us so we can see if it will work and book a time slot. Once these are setup, we will announce them to the community and beyond. Sponsors In addition, we are looking for potential sponsors. We've created several sponsorship packages, but of course, if you have other ideas for sponsorship, let us know. Sponsorship details are found here. We would love to get several sponsors if possible. Donation Drive We will also do our yearly donation drive in a month or so. The money for this will go to paying for several devs to travel to the conference, as they normally wouldn't be able to. We'll announce that when we're prepared to handle the influx of funds -- and figure out who needs them. Early Bird Discount Register by 26 July and receive a €25 discount! We'll have some other deals as well as we get details. Stay tuned! Thanks! We hope to see you in September!

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