Announcing CMS Made Simple 1.6.4 - Moindou

Announcing CMS Made Simple 1.6.4 - Moindou

Posted: August 16, 2009 by Robert Campbell

This release fixes a few rather important issues that have popped up since the 1.6 release. It is particularly applicable to those of us using some of the more advanced features of the content pages. You are encouraged to upgrade your sites to CMSMS 1.6.4 as soon as possible, as we now only support CMSMS 1.6.3 and 1.6.4 Enjoy! Changelog: Version 1.6.4 - Moindou ----------------------------- - Fixes a problem with the showinmenu option not being available to other content types - Fixes a problem with the lang stuff and a required reference operator - Fixes a problem with checksum verification and generation - Fixes a problem in filemanager where access time was shown and not creation time. - Adds tabindex to the list of selectable properties in the site preferences. - Fixes a problem with 404 errors if using internal pretty urls, and adding parameters to the URL - Fixes a problem with the parent page property for restricted content editors.

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