Call for Volunteers

Call for Volunteers

Posted: October 17, 2008 by Keith Lauchlan

During the discussions at this years' GeekMoot, one recurring item that came up was the issue of resources -- specifically the need for people. The good news is that while we were webcasting, we had a few people step up to the plate and offer to help out which was great but we're still on the lookout. I think a lot of us on the developer team take it for granted that we welcome volunteers. However, we thought we'd make a formal announcement to that effect. So ... if there's something that you want to improve, something that bugs you and that you can fix, please jump in and do it! To be effective, you should coordinate with us. Generally, the best way to do that is join us in the IRC Channel (also accessible via the Forum. For even more information, take a look at the IRC Support Page. If you know you want to help, but don't know what needs doing, we're always looking for people to help on:
  • Documentation
    • Tutorials
    • How-Tos
    • Screencasts / demos - show people how to solve common problems, or show the clever ways you accomplished something cool on your site
  • Design
    • Themes (both user-facing and admin)
    • Logos and promotional items, for T-Shirts, mugs, etc.
    • UI / interface designs - got ideas for an easy way to improve usability in modules, the admin, or the default templates?
    • Powerpoint or other marketing materials to use to demonstrate or promote CMSMS (e.g., to conferences or users groups)
  • Coding
    • Bug Fixes - send your patches to the forge!
    • Features - have you added functionality? Got ideas you'd like to implement?
    • Modules - writing modules is fun, useful, and oh-so-profitable! Here's your chance to get in on the action.
    • Demos - are you willing to set up a Virtual Appliance demo? A bootable demo CD image? Some other cool way of showing off CMSMS?
    • Core/2.0 - are you a database optimization expert? A top notch coder? Here's your chance to help us make this the best system ever.
  • Other Stuff
    • Promotion - demo CMS MS to your local classroom, user's group, or boss. Write articles or letters about it.
    • Nominate CMSMS for awards, or vote for it where it's already been nominated.
    • Donate money.
So there you are: a lot of opportunities to make your mark, and to make CMS Made Simple even better!

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