Design competition for the official CMSMS site
Design competition for the official CMSMS site
Posted: September 17, 2010 by Daniel Westergren
In light of recent articles, and in the interest of updating its main sites, CMSMS is holding a design competition for re-designing If you're a talented designer and think you've got what it takes to take the CMSMS domains to the next level, then keep reading. CMSMS needs you! We can't offer much in the way of incentive or prizes - this is an open source project, remember?! - but we can promise you kudos and praise beyond your wildest dreams. Plus the sure knowledge that your name will be up in lights across all the CMSMS domains in perpetuity, or at least until we need another re-design. Maybe we'll even give you a free t-shirt... ;)
Here are the guidelines:
- Edit: What we're after is a great design for So although a full XHTML/CSS markup would be preferred you can just as well submit a Photoshop image. We are aware that the timeline is tight, so if you have a great design, don't let any details below scare you!
- Your design should preferably be provided as a CMSMS Theme. That is, export templates and stylesheets with the module called Theme Manager (can be installed through the Module Manager) to an xml file.
- You may also provide a Photoshop layered image, although that makes it more difficult to win...
- If you include images with a theme, link them to the uploads/images/<themename> folder in the stylesheets and pack the theme xml file and the image(s) in a zip or tar file.
- Themes should be valid XHTML 1.0 transitional and CSS 2.1 (minimum). That means no hacks, or as few as humanly possible, and same appearance in all major browsers.
- No Flash or other propritary technologies - avoid Java and JavaScripts to the greatest extent possible.
- blink tag is banned
- gif animations are just as bad as flash
- We would like to see a Web 2.0, clean and accessible layout.
- We would like you to use CMSMMS tags in the templates. These include but are not limited to {sitename}, {title}, {breadcrumbs}, {search}, {content}, {footer} etc.
- You may include content example pages in the zip file.
- The general navigation structure should be similar to the current site structure, but flexible enough to be able to adjust.
- Everything included in the theme must be the designer's original work. No copyrighted images or template theft!
- Send all themes to at the last by October 10 2007.
- include your contact details in the email and in a README.txt file in the zip package
- A jury from the core team will select which theme will be used for The winner will be announced on October 15.
- Themes that are submitted as proper packages will be presented on the themes site ( after the winner has been announced
Disclaimer: CMS Made Simple claims the right to edit the winning design to fit with the site structure.
Well?! What are you waiting for? Get designing. :)