Dev Meeting Wrapup
Dev Meeting Wrapup
Posted: June 7, 2007 by Ted Kulp
Yesterday we held a developer conference in IRC. I'll post a transcription of it as soon as I can get it together, but here is the rundown... 1.1 We are going to do an rc3 version. This is mainly because of some translation issues (mostly in French for some reason) and also because TinyMCE wasn't in the rc2 build (my fault). The idea is to release rc3 today, and then have 1.1 out in the middle of next week. We just need some quick user testing to make sure everything is correct now. Dev Team Additions ThomasM and Reneh (both of their IRC nicks) have been added to the dev team. Both have been a great help to the cause, especially on IRC. We will update the About Us page soon. We also realized that DeeEye isn't on the About Us page either, so we need to correct that. 2.0 The dev team is committed to finishing up 1.1 and moving that into maintenance status. At that point, the trunk will be changed over to the 2.0 code and the others along with myself will start working on it. While not said in the meeting, I'm still hoping for a beta in the September timeframe. Forge Rewrite As stated previously, I'm in the process of rewriting a simple gforge replacement. I just gave a quick overview of what is there and what is needed for launch. Hoping to beta that in about 2 weeks. Dev Team Meetup This was kind of the big topic we wanted to discuss. Basically, the dev team wants to finally meet face to face later this summer. We've set a date of the weekend of September 8th in Copenhagen, Denmark. We've chosen this location because 1) we have a team member there who has an apartment we can do some work in, and 2) because it's pretty central to several people on the team. Of course, for those of us in North America, it's pretty darn expensive and will probably require some fundraising, but we'll get there. Luckily, it's only 3 of us. Plans for what we're going to do while there haven't been fleshed out. I'm hoping for a decent social/work mix, but it's going to be kind of up in the air in order to keep everyone content. Though, it does seem like the 2.0 beta will hopefully be poking up it's head around that time, so there will probably be stuff to discuss/work on. Conclusion Another productive meeting. We took right around the allotted 2 hours and got a lot accomplished. We agreed that we wouldn't probably meet again until after 1.1 is released and it was time to start figuring out the 2.0 duties for the devs. The transscription (with some email addresses and urls removed to not promote spam) can be found here: