Blog Categories

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Announcing CMSMS 1.11.3 - Darwin

Posted November 19, 2012 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

After over a month of development the CMSMS Dev Team is happy to announce the release of CMSMS 1.11.3 (Darwin). A release primarily focussed on stability and problem solving. There are numerous fixes in this release that will have some effect on almost all CMSMS sites. Updating to 1.11.3 at your earlieat convenience, is of course recommended.

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CMSMS 1.11.2 - Isabela

Posted September 16, 2012 by calguy1000
Category: Releases

The CMSMS Dev Team is happy to announce our latest maintenance release: Version 1.11.2 - Isabela

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Announcing CMSMS 1.11.1 Baltra

Posted August 14, 2012 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases

The CMSMS Dev team is happy to announce the release of a CMSMS 1.11.1 Baltra. This version fixes some important issues that have been detected since the release of CMSMS 1.11 Two and a half weeks ago.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Posted July 28, 2012 by maksbud
Category: Releases, Announcements

The CMSMS Dev Team is delighted to announce the official release of our next major version, CMS Made Simple 1.11. There have been some significant and important changes. This release has undergone months of active, and careful development by the CMSMS Dev Team. Additionally, a very active six week public beta program resulting in more testing than in any other CMSMS release should ensure that this version is the stable, fast, powerful, feature rich and easy to use content management system that you have come to expect.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.11 beta

Posted June 20, 2012 by calguy1000
Category: Releases, Announcements

The CMSMS Dev Team is delighted to announce the Beta release of our next major version CMS Made Simple 1.11. There have been some significant and important changes. We strongly advise that if you are a Module creator, your participation in the beta testing cycle will not only be of great benefit to us but an extremely useful exercise for you to get an immediate and comprehensive understanding of the improvements. Particularly developers of modules that export custom content types should participate in the beta process (to experience changes in the content class as noted below), so that you can ensure compatible releases of the module are available at the time when CMSMS 1.11 is released.

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CMSMS 1.11 Update

Posted April 20, 2012 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases

Hi everybody, it has been a while since we let you know about what we’re working on and what is happening with CMSMS 1.11, so we thought we would drop you a line. CMSMS 1.11 has been progressing steadily. It will be perhaps the biggest single functionality release in CMSMS history. We are also tackling some internals, and doing a lot of cleanup. There is new functionality, and some “under the hood” work. There should be a little bit for everybody in this release.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.10.3 0 - Hyacynthe

Posted January 9, 2012 by calguy1000
Category: Releases

The CMSMS Dev team is proud to announce the release of CMSMS 1.10.3 - Hyacinthe. This is primarily a bug fix release on the 1.10 series, and fixes some important issues related to the wysiwyg editor and other minor inconveniences. We recommend that you upgrade your site(s) as soon as possible.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.10.2 - Casa Pilote

Posted November 21, 2011 by calguy1000
Category: Releases, Announcements

CMSMS 1.10.2 is more of a ‘smoothing out the rough edges’ release. Only one of the issues we addressed could be called ‘critical’.. but some of them were rather annoying and caused confusion. As well, some were old issues that we finally addressed. So it was time to get them out of the way.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.10.1 - Le Lorrain

Posted November 5, 2011 by calguy1000
Category: Releases, Announcements

As usual, straight out of a major functionality release there are always some bugs spotted. And usually important ones. 1.10 has been no different, even with a longer than normal, and public beta process. This is an important bug fix release...

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Announcing CMS Made Simple 1.10

Posted October 22, 2011 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases, Announcements

The Dev Team is proud to announce that CMSMS 1.10 (one point ten), the latest stable version of CMS Made Simple is now ready for download. This version continues the development of the 1.x series with some exciting new features that enhance the admin experience and make maintaining a site an even more efficient process. Our focus for this release has been to make CMSMS faster, lighter, and stronger.

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Announcing CMSMS - Security Release

Posted August 27, 2011 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases

Today we release CMSMS which fixes a long standing, though important issue in the News module. We recommend that everybody upgrade their installations as soon as possible.

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Announcing CMSMS Version 1.10 Beta1

Posted August 20, 2011 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases

The dev team is proud to announce the latest version of CMS Made Simple is now in beta. This version continues the development of the 1.0 series with some exciting new features that enhance the admin experience and make maintaining a site an even more efficient process. Our focus for this release is to make CMSMS Faster, Lighter, and Stronger. A number of old and redundant elements have been exchanged or removed to further streamline your favorite software.

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Announcing CMSMS - Security Release

Posted May 25, 2011 by calguy1000
Category: Releases

Today we would like to announce a fix for an important security vulnerability that was detected in all running versions of CMS Made Simple.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.9.4 - Faanui

Posted March 5, 2011 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases

Your CMSMS Dev team is once again proud to announce the release of yet another version of CMSMS. This is primarily a bug fix release. We've tackled some of the important issues that remained from CMSMS 1.9.3 including supporting newer versions of MySQL, and miscelaneous caching issues. We've also implemented a few minor performance improvements that should result in a minor performance boost for most websites.

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Announcing CMS Made Simple 1.9.3

Posted February 5, 2011 by calguy1000
Category: General, Releases

The CMS Made Simple Dev Team is proud to announce the release of version 1.9.3, a major maintenance and quality release in the series.

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Announcing CMS Made Simple 1.9 - Bora Bora

Posted November 7, 2010 by compufairy
Category: General, Releases, Announcements

Once again the CMSMS(tm) Dev team has joined forces over hundreds or thousands of hours of effort to release yet another milestone version of CMS Made Simple(tm). This release is a feature version where we expanded the flexibility of your favorite package while maintaining its famous ease of use. We are confident that you find this version of your favorite content management system to be the best one yet.

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Beta Testers wanted!

Posted September 9, 2010 by compufairy
Category: General, Releases, Announcements

We're getting ready for the beta testing cycle of the new version of CMS Made Simple (Version 1.9). This will be a closed beta... Only the people accepted to the group will have access to the beta, and an advantage over everybody else. As the system is seriously evolving, we appreciate you help in the process of improving it. We are looking for ten to twenty experienced CMS Made Simple users that want to get involved, and have been looking for an opportunity to do so.

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Announcing CMS Made Simple 1.8.2 - Toliara

Posted August 12, 2010 by ted
Category: General, Releases, Announcements

This release is mainly to fix the issues that people with older sites had with the removal of the use_hierarchy option in config.php. To make sure that people don't mess up their SEO after an upgrade, we've put the option back in.

We've also done a few bug fixes, including a fix to the cms_stylesheet plugin, a bug in Menu Manager, and a few other things that should've been fixed awhile ago.

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Announcing CMS Made Simple 1.8.1 - Mankara

Posted July 13, 2010 by tyman00
Category: General, Releases, Announcements

This release fixes an important security vulnerability, we recommend that ALL users upgrade as soon as possible.

The local inclusion vulnerability fixed is old and affects many previous versions of CMSMS. Therefore it is important for ALL installations to be upgraded as soon as possible.

This release also fixes all of the issues encountered with the CMSMS 1.8 release due to the overhaul of the translation function. Your performance in the admin section should be back to normal following this upgrade.

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Announcing CMS Made Simple 1.8 - Madagascar

Posted July 3, 2010 by compufairy
Category: General, Releases, Announcements

Onwards and upwards we go. The dev team is proud to announce the latest version of your favorite content management system. This version is primarily aimed at rounding out some of the rough edges that our primary audience (experienced, professional web developers) have experienced with CMS Made Simple. There are a number of new features to enhance performance not only of the website itself, but to make doing some mundane tasks faster and easier. As well, we've added some power for the contributing programmers, and fixed quite a few nagging bugs. We will now have a lot more to talk about at the Geekmoot in Amsterdam this September.

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