Blog Categories

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Announcing CMSMS 2.1.5 - High Rock

Posted August 14, 2016 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

Today we would like to announce the release of CMS Made Simple version 2.1.5 - High Rock. This is a stability release fixing a number of issues that have surfaced over the past two months. Though none of the issues are show stoppers, there are issues that generally affect the usability of CMSMS. Therefore, we recommend that everybody upgrade their websites as soon as possible.

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Announcing CMSMS 2.1.4 - Freetown

Posted June 4, 2016 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

Thanks to detailed bug reports, along with steps to reproduce and an environment for testing, we have solved a significant issue with the Installation Assistant on hosts with suhosin installed.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.12.2 - kolonia

Posted March 28, 2016 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

Today we are announcing CMS Made Simple 1.12.2, a release primarily addressing a security concern.

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Announcing CMSMS 2.1.2 - Andros Town

Posted February 3, 2016 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

Today we are announcing the release of CMS Made Simple 2.1.2 "Andros Town". A mixed bag of bug fixes, minor feature improvements and security updates.

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Announcing CMSMS 2.1.1 - Nicholls Town

Posted December 20, 2015 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

This is an incremental release in the CMSMS 2.x series, addressing bugs and minor concerns.

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Announcing CMSMS 2.1 - Bahamas

Posted December 6, 2015 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

Hello again CMSMS users.

Here we are again with another release of your favourite, powerful, and flexible open source content management system: Version 2.1 - "Bahamas".

This release includes a number of bug fixes as we continue to stabilize and improve the 2.x series, as well as a few notable feature improvements.

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Announcing CMSMS

Posted October 4, 2015 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

Only one day after 2.0.1 was released we were forced to issue a new release with a single bug fix consisting of only two lines.

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Announcing CMSMS 2.0.1 - Adelaide

Posted October 3, 2015 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

We knew that shortly after releasing 2.0, regardless of how many months we were in beta, we would be creating bug-fix releases. This is because the number of users who actually use the system increase when you remove the 'beta' or 'release candidate' suffixes. Therefore, more issues are reported that need to be fixed. CMSMS 2.0.1 - Adelaide is the first of those bug fix releases.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.12.1 (Rontiki)

Posted August 31, 2015 by mr101010
Category: Releases

CMSMS 1.12.1 (Rontiki) is purely a maintenance release. It fixes numerous issues that have cropped up in the last few months.

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Announcing CMSMS 2.0 RC1

Posted June 21, 2015 by mr101010
Category: Releases, Announcements

We are here! After many, many rounds of internal testing and bug fixing we finally made it! It has been a long road, but the Dev Team is now very pleased to announce CMSMS 2.0 RC1 (Release Candidate 1) for widespread public testing.

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Announcing CMS Made Simple 1.12 - Pohnpei

Posted April 12, 2015 by mr101010
Category: Releases

Today we are announcing the latest in the stream of releases for CMSMS 1.x. Version 1.12 - Pohnpei. This release can be called a 'security and stability' release where we primarily made changes related to security, but also attempted to resolve or improve a number of outstanding issues.

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Announcing CMS Made Simple 1.11.13 - Security Release

Posted February 20, 2015 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

Important Security Release
Although we had not planned on releasing a new version of CMSMS for a while yet, a few security vulnerabilities (some that were reported to us, others that we found ourselves) have forced our hand.

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Announcing CMS Made Simple 2.0-beta3

Posted January 10, 2015 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

Today, after a great deal of effort in development and testing, we are pleased to announce the third—and hopefully final—beta of CMS Made Simple 2.0.

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Announcing CMS Made Simple 1.11.12 - Seymour Norte

Posted January 10, 2015 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

Today, we would like to announce the latest release in the 1.11.x series of your favourite Content Management System. This is largely a maintenance release—we have solved many nagging little problems to improve the general usability and stability of CMSMS.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.11.11 - San Cristobal

Posted August 9, 2014 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

As part of our commitment to maintain the 1.11.x series of CMS Made Simple during the development of 2.0, the Dev Team is pleased to announce this maintenance release.

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Announcing CMSMS 2.0 Beta 2

Posted August 9, 2014 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

Many of the improvements for beta2 involve fixes to issues which may have prevented you from installing beta1. If you weren't able to test beta1, please give beta2 a try and let us know how it goes. We have fixed a great deal of the critical issues with the core code, and released an un-packaged versionof the installation assistant for those few cases where your system is not compatible with phar packages.

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Announcing CMSMS 2.0 Beta 1

Posted May 18, 2014 by mr101010
Category: Releases, Announcements

After a great deal of effort we are finally here. The CMSMS Dev team is pleased to announce the release of CMSMS 2.0-beta1.

CMSMS 2.0 is a significant renewal of our favourite content management system. A large amount of the functionality has undergone re-factoring, rewriting, or re-thinking with the intent of increasing both the simplicity and power we have become accustomed to when building websites.

Some of the highlights include:

  • - A completely new Content Management module (CMSContentManager)
  • - An entire re-think as to how templates and stylesheets are managed (DesignManager)
  • - A new module for building navigations (Navigator)
  • - A new admin search module (AdminSearch)
  • - A brand spanking new installation/upgrade/freshen mechanism
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Announcing CMSMS 1.11.10 Pinzon

Posted February 1, 2014 by mr101010
Category: Releases

An important security and update release for the 1.x series of CMS Made Simple we encourage everybody to upgrade their websites as soon as possible.

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Announcing CMS Made Simple 1.11.9 Bartolome

Posted September 28, 2013 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

Today we are happy to announce the release of CMS Made Simple 1.11.9 Bartolome—the latest stable release of your favourite content management system. The last release of CMSMS was only a couple of weeks ago, and, normally, we do not like to release versions of CMSMS so quickly. However, there was a problem with the 1.11.8 release that we did not detect until a few days after release, and since there were a few bugs with respect to this release that were worth fixing we thought it better to fix the code and call the release 1.11.9.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.11.8 - Fioreana

Posted September 9, 2013 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

The CMSMS Dev team is happy to announce the latest release in the 1.11.x series. This release brings a few minor features, some performance improvements, documentation improvements, a Smarty upgrade, and a number of bug fixes (including a minor security issue). There is something for everybody in this release; everyone is encouraged to upgrade their websites as soon as possible.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.11.7 - Genovesa

Posted May 25, 2013 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

CMSMS 1.11.7 - Genovesa is a security release, fixing important vulnerabilities. All users are advised to upgrade as soon as possible.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.11.6 - Merchena

Posted April 19, 2013 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

This release fixes security vulnerabilities in the package and a few significant bugs. We recommend you upgrade your websites as soon as possible.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.11.5 - Puerto Ayora

Posted March 23, 2013 by mr101010
Category: Releases

Greetings everybody, we hope you are having a great Spring. It's been a while since we've had a maintenance release of CMSMS. 1.11.5 should fix a great deal of the outstanding issues with the 1.11.x series.

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The next step: Developing CMSMS 2.0

Posted January 22, 2013 by scotch33
Category: General, Releases, Announcements

Since the release of CMSMS 1.11, whilst simultaneously supporting the 1.11.x series and fixing issues, we have also been quietly working on the next new feature version of CMS Made Simple. Though we do not have an arrival date yet, the version is progressing nicely and we felt it was time to give you a preview of what you can look forward to.

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Announcing CMSMS 1.11.4 - Fernandina

Posted December 16, 2012 by mr101010
Category: General, Releases

The CMS Made Simple Dev team is happy to announce another maintenance release in the 1.11.x series. CMSMS 1.11.4 is now available for download. Our focus has been on stability and removing problems. Particularly of note are issues we have fixed with respect to the new parsing mechanism we have instituted with respect to content page templates.

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