Announcing CMS Made Simple v2.2.14 - T'Sou-ke

Announcing CMS Made Simple v2.2.14 - T'Sou-ke

Today we are announcing the release of CMSMS v2.2.14 - T'Sou-ke. This is a maintenance release mainly addressing a few minor issues that have arisen since last release.

Category: Releases
Posted: March 30, 2020 by digi3

Hello CMS Made Simple fans,

Today we are announcing the release of CMSMS v2.2.14 - T'Sou-ke. This is a maintenance release mainly addressing a few minor issues that have arisen since last release.

Specifically, we have made some tweaks for better PHP 7.4 support*, fixed bugs related to Search, News, FileManager, DesignManager, CMSContentManager and AdminSearch, and made a few minor fixes to the core.

As per usual, only the two most recent versions (2.2.13 and 2.2.14 at the time of this writing) are supported by the Dev Team.

*Third party modules may still encounter issues with PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4. It is important to test all functionality before updating PHP versions on live sites.

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